
Jumat, 12 November 2010

Meet With Mr. Obama

I don't ever think that I would meet Mr. Obama before, but it actually was real happened. I have a chance because I was one of English Club extracurricular.
It was on Wednesday when my nation celebrated the Heroes Day.
I didn't follow the flag ceremony because I and others had to go to UI to meet him. The trip wasn't good to reach until we had seats.
At first, we were in crowded on the road that made we bored, it was taken less more 2 hours to arrive.
No, that was not the end, the crowded happened in UI too. Thousands people were over there.
To get in Balairung Building, we had to queue for an hour. It was so tired, stand up on the field with the shining sun.
After that, again and again no wonder at us. We didn't have any seats for sitting. A lot of people had have their seats. We walked around the Balairung Building and we were over like a ball. The guards didn't want to provide the free seats before the other seats had be seated, whereas if people seated there, the people would not be able to see the Obama because the people' sight was blocked by big pillars.
Finally we had some seats, it was beside on the stage, so we could see Obama fully.

After waiting for a while The President of America, Mr. Barrack Obama came.  All of  the audience stand up and gave their big hand for him.  Wooooow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic proudly !!!!!!!!!!!! Now, I had seen who Mr. Obama is. He is friendly people, I liked his style, sporty, simple but perfect.
He waved his hands to the audience. That made all people cheer. Yuhhuuuuuu.......!

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